New achievement in Digitalpoint

Let me make a quick post about being a 700 posts club member in Digitalpoint. I am using Digitalpoint since 2007, and made these 700 posts in last 3 years. My username in Digitalpoint is “mellow-h”.

Digitalpoint is one of the first place where Mellowhost had started marketing. Most of our old customers are from Digitalpoint. We are still getting lots of users from Digitalpoint regularly visiting our site or purchasing hosting. I got around 90 positive iTrader in digitalpoint. Digitalpoint has gone under couple of re-organizing in last year. One of the key reason we fall back from digitalpoint is their re-organization didn’t work out. Currently our primary target is webhostingtalk and seeing pretty decent traffic everyday. I am planning to jump over couple of more forums beside WHT and digitalpoint has come in my mind again. Lets see how it works this time. I have always missed Digitalpoint for last 1 year after their re-organization, hope this is going to be pleasing back again.

And good luck to me for having those valuable 700 posts in DP after 3 years 😮

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