How to stop wp-cron.php from firing!

Recently, I have written an article about reducing the cpu usage for a wordpress blog. My post contains some information about the wp-cron.php, but it doesn’t explain how you can stop wp-cron.php from taking high CPU. Couple of our twitter followers and facebook clients were asking for a post describing how they can stop wp-cron.php from taking high CPU or firing up. Here are some small tricks to reduce the CPU usage from wp-cron.php.

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Reducing CPU usage for WordPress users!

WordPress is one of the most demanding content management system of recent days. Most of the users these days use wordpress for their blogs or websites. Around 85% sites of our servers are using wordpress and most of the clients are utilizing multiple wordpress blogs for their business. WordPress has been found to be using pretty good sum of CPU and Memory. Today’s shared hosting environments are more limited based on the CPU and memory rather than the Space and Bandwidth. It is always a wiser choice to spend little amount of time to reduce the overall cpu usage. This makes the blog running faster and hosting companies feel good to host sites which are nicer to their CPUs 🙂 Here are some tips to reduce the CPU usage on a wordpress blog and improve the site performance.

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