How to create /var/cpanel/userdata files using /var/cpanel/users files

While reverting back from a reverse proxy like nginx/varnish installation, you might end up having an inconsistent /var/cpanel/userdata and /var/cpanel/users files. To be noted, /var/cpanel/userdata is used to create the httpd.conf file, while /var/cpanel/users are used to create the dns zone files. If you have an inconsistency between this two, you will have two different IP for named and httpd, which is undesirable. As the reverse proxy plays with /var/cpanel/userdata, which is why, we usually see the userdata folder containing incorrect data. Cpanel comes with a feature to reset userdata directory through it’s tools. Although, the tool uses a valid httpd.conf file or a backup to create userdata directory. Interestingly, if your httpd.conf isn’t valid that was created using an inconsistent userdata, can’t be used backward.

This is when you might require to create a /var/cpanel/userdata directory using the valid /var/cpanel/users directory. We ended up in this situation and written the following bash code to do the job for us:


ls /var/cpanel/users/* > users.txt

while read line; do

UIP=$(grep “IP” /var/cpanel/users/$line|cut -d’=’ -f2)
sed -ie “/^ip: / c ip: $UIP” /var/cpanel/userdata/$line/*

#sed -i ‘/ip:/s/.*/ip: `echo $UIP`/’ /var/cpanel/userdata/$line/*

rm -f /var/cpanel/userdata/$line/*.cache

done < users.txt


The code deletes the cache files as well. Cpanel ships a script to rebuild the cache files, but for some reason it didn’t work for us. So we manually deleted the cache using rm. Please remember to backup the /var/cpanel/userdata and /var/cpanel/users directory before running the scripts.

Cpanel given cache rebuild command is:


Once the cache removal/build is completed, you may now rebuild your httpd conf file:


service httpd restart

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