Could not make the Query. Virtualizor Error

Today, when I opened a Virtualizor panel for a VM node, I found an issue like the following:

Could not make the Query.
SELECT tasks.actid, tasks.action, users.uid, FROM `tasks` LEFT JOIN users on tasks.uid = users.uid WHERE action NOT IN ('vpsbackups_plan_email', 'send_background_mail', 'backuply_vpsbackups_plan_email') ORDER BY tasks.actid DESC LIMIT 10
    [0] => HY000
    [1] => 144
    [2] => Table './virtualizor/tasks' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

Issue was the tasks table is marked as crashed. To solve this, we need to repair the table tasks.

First, find the password for database ‘virtualizor’ using the following command:

[root@sg40 ~]# grep dbpass /usr/local/virtualizor/universal.php
$globals['dbpass'] = 'gziqr4y989';

Now connect to the mysql using the password:

/usr/local/emps/bin/mysql -u root -p virtualizor

Now repair the table:

use virtualizor;

Now the virtualizor shall work.