How to Empty a Model In Odoo / Mass Delete in Odoo / Mass Unlink

In Odoo, we use unlink() ORM method to delete a record. But if you are trying to empty a model or wants to delete multiple records, the best way to do it, is to use two steps.

First, search the records:

record_set = self.env['your.model'].search([])

Second, unlink them all at once instead of looping through them:


If you have a list of ids, search them using the list:

ids = [1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12]
record_set = self.env['your.model'].search([('id', 'in', ids)])

and unlink:


Remember, there is no need to loop through this iterable object, odoo unlink does it for you.

TIPS: If you want to get all the ids in a model directly in a list, you can use the following:

record_list = self.env['your.model'].search([]).ids