How to Enable Logging in Odoo

There are two ways to see the Odoo Logs. One is rough and can be used to see the latest Odoo logs, it’s the Journal tools. You may do this using the following if your Odoo service is installed as odoo13 for example

journalctl -u odoo13

Note: If you are having trouble primarily in installing Odoo properly, you may check the following:

The other way, is the enable logging to a file. This has to be enabled from the odoo.conf file which is located under /etc/ folder. First we open the /etc/odoo.conf file:

nano /etc/odoo.conf

Now, search to see if you have a directive called ‘logfile’. If you don’t, you may add the following to /etc/odoo.conf:

logfile = /var/log/odoo13/odoo.log

If you already have the directive, but commented out, like this:

; logfile = /var/log/odoo13/odoo.log

You may remove the ‘;’ in front of the logfile directive and save the file. Now you may restart your Odoo instance to allow odoo log the information to the file /var/log/odoo13/odoo.log

systemctl restart odoo13

If the restart showing some errors, probably because it is failing to put permission to odoo13 folder. You may try the following:

mkdir /var/log/odoo13
chown -Rf odoo:odoo /var/log/odoo13
systemctl restart odoo13