How To Renew & Deploy Let’s Encrypt SSL on Zimbra Server – 2020

Note: This does not seem to work on 2021. I have written another article on how to do this now: How to manually install/renew let’s encrypt ssl in Zimbra

Ok, there is a reason to put 2020 on the title. Because the process has changed since past. At this moment, I manage a Zimbra server with multiple domains in it, which won’t deploy the ‘other’ domains if not specified. The process is fairly simple, but I am keeping this as a documentation purpose, so that I don’t miss next time.

To renew the certificate for attached domains using certbot is fairly simple, just do:

# certbot renew

Once done, you you want to use the pre-hook and deploy-hook to do the patching and deploying as following using

# -p
# -r -d 'your_domain'

Updated, certbot_zimbra doesn’t take this. ‘-n’ used to be taken as new and ‘-r’ for replacing, now, ‘-r’ is removed. Instead you can use ‘-e’ to specify new domains. So the command for replacement and deployment would be fairly simple as following:

# -p
# -d -e ''
# -d -e ''

… and so on. At this moment, I couldn’t find a way to advise zimbra certbot to follow a list of domains instead of one. But this is probably possible by cracking the certbot.