How To: Use SSH Password in a Script

You can obviously use RSA public/private keypair to access servers without password, although, sometimes, it may be desirable to use ssh password on a command line and run a remote command on another server. This can be done using a tool called ‘sshpass’. You can create a simple bash script using sshpass, that can help you monitor and control multiple servers from a single location.

How to use ssh password in script

First install sshpass:

# yum install sshpass -y

Once done, you can use sshpass command as following:

# sshpass -p "SSH_Password" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no SSH_Username@remote-ssh-server "yourcommand"

Just replace, the password, username, remote-ssh-server and your command with your desired setup, and viola!

Note: If yum says, the following:

No package sshpass* available.

then you would need to install epel repository to install sshpass. To install epel, run the following:

# yum install epel* -y

Programming: How To Check if an IP is Available or Not in Bash

How To Check if an IP is Available or Not in Bash

A quick trick I use is ‘ping’ command. PING will return 0 on success and 1 or above on failure while using it with -c 1 (Means only one ICMP packet). That makes it useful to use with a if condition shell code as following:

if ping -c 1 -w 5 >/dev/null
echo "IP Available"
echo "IP Not Available"

Programming: How to Check If A File Exists or Not in Bash Script

How to Check If A File Exists or Not in Bash Script

You can use if condition in bash script to do that. If conditions takes ‘-f’ to test if a file exists or not. Syntax would be the following:

$FILE = $1
if [ -f $FILE ]; then
echo "File Exists"
echo "File Do Not Exist"

Now, if your script only demands to check if the file do not exist, you can use a unary operator for negate the boolean value as following:

$FILE = $1
if[ ! -f $FILE ]; then
echo "File Do Not Exist"