Sometimes you may need to change the configuration settings of Roundcube, PHPMyAdmin or SquirrelMail from default values. The values are primarily set by directadmin custombuild.
How to change settings of Roundcube/PHPMyAdmin in Directadmin?
Directadmin stores these 3rdparty data in the following folder:
If you want to change the roundcube settings for example, browse the file
nano /var/www/html/roundcube/
Database settings for roundcube available under:
The same would be true for “config.php” file for SquirrelMail and “” file for PHPMyAdmin.
If you would like to set your own settings next time you run the custombuild make sure to copy a version of these files under the following locations:
This will include the custom settings for you while the software updates by custombuild.