How to Access Redis over TLS/SSL

If you are trying to purchase Managed Redis Database, from companies like digitalocean, then, you would get access to those Redis servers, only over TLS/SSL support. Unfortunately, by default redis-cli does not ship with TLS support, hence, you need to either use Tunnel to access redis instance through redis-cli or use different tool for your purpose.

Access Your Redis Instance using Python

If you are developing your application using python, and using a managed redis database, then, you would have to make the redis connection over TLS/SSL. This can be done by setting the ‘SSL’ to True, in the Redis constructor. Here is an example:

import redis

r = redis.Redis(host='', port=25061, password='abcdhjnmjtxeupp', decode_responses=True, ssl=True)

As you can see, I have set the ssl to True at the end, to set the connection over TLS/SSL.

Access Your Redis from Command Line using Redli

If you want to have access to your redis instance through a command line tool, then using redli is my first line choice. Configuring stunnel with redis-cli is also possible, but it would be another topic of discussion here.

Let’s see, how can we install redli:

Redli is a tool developed by IBM with TLS/SSL support. It is written in Golang. You may download a version for Linux from the IBMCloud Github repo and start using it:

~ wget
~ tar -xvzf redli_0.4.4_linux_amd64.tar.gz
~ cp redli /usr/bin/
~ chmod +x /usr/bin/redli

Now, you may use redli to connect to your Redis database with TLS enabled as following:

redli --tls -h -p 25061 -a abcdhjnmjtxeupp

See how ‘–tls’ is enabled to access redis over TLS here. Hope this helps.

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