
Common HTTP Security Errors 3

Some commong http security errors may occur in mellowhost hosting, this section contains all the inforamtions regarding those error with common solution!


 "421 - 50 Users already logged in" - FTP Error

Our ftp is configured to 50 users at a time to log in. If you are receiving this error that means...

 Big File uploading problem!

We have received some complaints in these days from our customers about FTP timing out while...

 Cant Access my site?

We receive lots of queries from our client saying that why i m not being able to access my site....

 High CPU usage by VBSEO!

We have found many of our Vbulletin users faced the same problem, there is a significant load...

 Host-Tracker Error is a popular free uptime monitoring service. Unfortunately for having vulnerable...

 How many reseller accounts can i create?

Right now, each master reseller account is allowed to create 15 reseller accounts.

 How to Register my private nameservers?

 How to access a site temporarily without the Tide (~) sign?

As we have mod_userdir protection for a few servers, some of our clients may need to view the...

 How to change a php.ini value?

We use suPHP in all of our servers. This is the common reason why php_flag or php_value doesn't...

 How to configure Cpanel mail with Apple

Click on the "Mail" option at the top and Select Preferences From the top tabs, select Accounts...

 How to correct custom php.ini for taking all the settings of the server?

The following article should employ how to change a value of php.ini through a custom php.ini...

 How to get the Free Billing Manager offered by MH?

MH offers AccountLab Plus as Free Billing Manager. We do not use a server wide license instead we...

 My primary cpanel quota is set to 10GB, why is that?

We create the main reseller account automatically after the payment, all the reseller is...

 Server Time

Our Server time is set to GMT +6, if you need to change the server time, use php time fuction to...

 Slow Access to http

Sometimes server faces lots of spikes in the performance for attacks, peak hour loads and network...


 Why do i receive timeout while pinging the server?

Mellowhost always tries to ensure the best security hardened server. One of the common attack...

 Why does my custom Status script says Mysql Down?

We have heard this in many places from our clients saying, custom status scripts (Like status2k)...