How to access a site temporarily without the Tide (~) sign?

As we have mod_userdir protection for a few servers, some of our clients may need to view the site till the site gets fully propagated. So, this knowledgebase will guide a secondary method to view the site without the tide sign.

Browse the following directory in your C Drive >> Windows >> System32 >> Drivers >> Etc >> Edit the file named "hosts" with a wordpad.

By default, there should be a line like this:

"       localhost"

Go to the next line and add this:

Now note, replace with your own domain and change with the IP allocated for your account. To find which IP is allocated for your account, login to your cpanel, and from the left menu, find "Shared IP address" or "Dedicated IP address". Another way, you can find this out by going to WHM >> List Accounts >> Search and the IP listed.

Save the file and try pinging your domain. It should point to the IP you listed in hosts file. And if you try to browse your site now, it should go to our server or the IP you listed in hosts file. 

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